July 31, 2020
Due to a recall of Hand Sanitizer, that item was removed from all school lists.
May 19, 2020
Complete the Annual Information Update The Harrisburg School District is one of the fastest-growing school districts in the State of South Dakota. To create optimum class-sizes a...
May 7, 2020
Families in the Harrisburg School District are eligible to participate in a no-cost Kindergarten Readiness program. This unique opportunity for South Dakota families allows for pa...
March 25, 2020
Allow Our Email Addresses To Ensure You're Receiving Them
Several email hosting companies are implementing additional filtering mechanisms due to the increase in COVID-19-rel...
March 25, 2020
Tips to keep children healthy while school’s out
Based on available evidence, children do not appear to be at higher risk for COVID-19 than adults. While some children and infa...
March 13, 2020
COVID-19 (Coronavirus) A new type of coronavirus, abbreviated COVID-19, is causing an outbreak of respiratory (lung) disease. It was first detected in China and has now been dete...
February 11, 2020
In October 2019, the Harrisburg School District formed a committee to consider possible boundary changes. Analyzing building capacities and growth trends necessitated the committe...
January 3, 2020
Parent Information Night
Tuesday, January 7 from 6-7:30pm Thursday, January 9 from 6-7:30pm Link to register: https://bit.ly/2syBPk2
December 11, 2019
Two Dates to Choose From
Join us in the Harrisburg High School Performing Arts Center on either of the following dates as 8th graders begin to transition to the high school.
November 21, 2019
Just a reminder if your learner is going to be absent or late for school, to call the school office at 605.743.2567 ext. 3008 before 9:00AM daily or email NMSAttendance@harrisburg...
September 4, 2019
Fall clubs are now open! Please visit our webpage: https://sites.google.com/harrisburg.k12.sd.us/nms-clubs/home
June 19, 2019
Harrisburg School District is committed to educational excellence and ensuring that parents stay informed about important activities and events that enhance their child’s life. ...
June 17, 2019
Teacher School Supply Lists
Please keep in mind, you are under no obligation to purchase name brand items. However, you are able to select items off the list and order online i...
June 12, 2019
Staying Connected with District & Community Events Just Got Easier! 🍑
Harrisburg School District is getting ready to launch a new electronic flyer communication tool called “Pe...
November 29, 2018
Please be aware that a new safety plan has been put into place by the Harrisburg School District. If the office staff is unfamiliar with the individual who is visiting or signing ...