7th grade girls basketball team sporting their new tiger wear! Everyone is welcome to watch them play Vermillion this afternoon at 4:00 at Endeavor elementary gym. 8th grade girls hosts Vermillion at the North MS gym at 4:00.
Please be aware that a new safety plan has been put into place by the Harrisburg School District. If the office staff is unfamiliar with the individual who is visiting or signing out a student, they will need to show identification. If parents arrange for someone other than themselves to pick up their student, please make them aware of our policy and inform the office of whom will be coming. Thank you.
An important reminder during this time of year. Be safe out there, Tigers!
Winter Activity
Mark your calendars for Friday, December 7th for a "Winter Wonderland 'North' Pole Party! We will have gingerbread building contests, karaoke, minute-to-win-it Christmas games, a movie, dodge ball, lightning, volleyball, board/yard games and a hot chocolate bar! The event will run from 6:00-8:00 PM. The cost is $5 along with student ID.
After school clubs and PM Power Hour have been cancelled today due to the weather.
Annual Food Drive
Student Council is inviting all HNMS students and staff to participate in our annual canned food drive. In honor of our 125th year celebration, we will be filling 125 meals for local Harrisburg families. We began to collect items and will run the drive through Friday, November 30th.
In order to make this a success, we will need specific items this year. As you begin preparing for the upcoming holiday season, please consider picking up a few extras of these items:
-instant potatoes
-gravy packets
-canned veggies: green beans, corn, peas
-canned fruit
We will also be including paper products (plates, silverware, napkins, etc.) and hygiene products (shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, toothbrush/paste, etc.).
Thank you for helping share the holiday spirit.
HNMS Student Council
A reminder there will be EARLY RELEASE tomorrow and NO SCHOOL Thursday or Friday. Happy Thanksgiving! 🦃 🐯🇺🇸
Lily is a 5 year old student at Horizon (sister of HNMS 8th grader Gavin) who faces numerous medical hurdles each day. She is facing a major surgery in mid-December which will require a lengthy hospital stay hours away from home.
Go to www.teespring.com/lilyshields and order from lots of colors and sizes. Please join us in supporting the family in this fundraiser where 100% of money raised will go to the Shields family for lodging, gas, meals, and medical expenses. Thank you in advanced for supporting a fellow Tiger!
The flyer can be found on our website http://harrisburgdistrict41-2.org/o/north-middle-school/browse/36743
Call us, maybe? 📞🐯 Incoming calls have been restored. Thank you for your patience while Midco resolved the issue.
The Harrisburg School District wishes you safe travels this Thanksgiving. May love, joy and happiness be yours! As a reminder, there will be Early Release on November 21, and No School November 22/23. 🦃🇺🇸🐯
It's American Education Week! Your Tiger Teachers and support staff do an amazing job keeping students safe and ready to learn. If you see a teacher or staff member this week, be sure to thank them! 🐯❤️
It's not too late to join us for FamilyEd Camp! Food, prizes and learning - all free! South Middle School from now - 12pm.
October is Bully Prevention Month
Our Focus for PBIS this month will be RESPECT!
October 29-November 2 is Red Ribbon Week
Dress up days:
Monday: Wear RED: Promote standing up against the use of Drugs/Alcohol/Tobacco
Tuesday: 6th graders: 60’s; 7th graders: 70’s; 8th graders: 80’s; "Drugs are Old School, stay tobacco/drug and alcohol free"
Wednesday: PJ Day- Relax and Enjoy Life: Stay clear of Drugs/Alcohol/ Tobacco
Thursday: Duo Day- Friends support each other and help one another stay clear of Alcohol/Drugs/Tobacco
Friday: HNMS Day- HNMS Students stay away from Drugs Tobacco
If you've been to our commons lately, you've noticed our little Christmas tree set up. We're not Hobby Lobby and jumping ahead with decor, we're promoting the Giving Tree! There are "ornaments" with different gift card suggestions. We encourage students, parents, and staff to take an "ornament", purchase the gift card, and return both to the office. These gift cards will be given to families throughout the district who want to give their family a better Christmas than they can financially do themselves. Thank you in advance for giving to this cause.
If you need assistance in this area, please fill out the GivingTreeLetter found here http://harrisburgdistrict41-2.org/o/north-middle-school/browse/36743 and return to the office.
Don't miss this! HNMS Dance Friday, October 26 at 6:00-8:00 PM. Cost is $5. Concessions available including pizza!
October is Bully Prevention Month Our Focus for PBIS this month will be RESPECT!
Monday, October 22: Pay it forward-Students can stop into the school counselor's office and write a compliment to others on sticky notes. If you receive a sticky note, please pay it forward
Tuesday, October 23: Mix it up day during lunch
Wednesday, October 24th: Challenge Day (for select group of 7th and 8th students) I can’t think of a better way to come together and take a stance against bullying!
Friday, October 26th: Everyone Wear Orange to Stand up against Bullying
Clear your calendar and plan on attending the North Middle School Performing Arts Departments' rendition of Cyrano de Burger Shack on November 1st and 2nd at 7:00 PM at the HNMS PAC. Tickets are $5 for grades 9 through adult; $3 for grade K-8; under school age are free! Go to http://www.harrisburgpac.com/ for tickets.
HSD is joining with the South Dakota Department of Health to provide FREE flu vaccines to our students in grades Kindergarten-12th grade on Wed., Nov. 14 @ NMS from 4-8pm. To expedite the process, fill out these forms
Harrisburg Elementary & Middle School Parents and Guardians:
Join us for Harrisburg Family EdCamp on Saturday, October 27 from 8a-12p at South Middle School. This FREE event is designed to support parents and strengthen families through sessions offered by the Harrisburg District Staff and community partners. Sessions will center on supporting learners at home in reading and math, providing safeguards for families in an increasingly digital world, managing life's demands with a busy family, working through difficult behaviors at home, and many others! A complete session guide will be made available next week.
Breakfast and childcare are available to participants at no cost AND we will have lots of fabulous door prizes thanks to the generous donations of area businesses and organizations that value strong families.
We ask that all participants register for a FREE ticket through this link to help us plan for breakfast and sessions.
We look forward to seeing you at the Inaugural Harrisburg Family EdCamp!
The North MS PAWS is selling another round of apparel. Forms are found on the website here https://core-docs.s3.amazonaws.com/documents/asset/uploaded_file/242860/PAWSOrder2018.19Take2.pdf
Forms and payment are due to the North MS office by Wednesday, October 17.